52 research outputs found

    Effect of Intercropping System on the Quality and Quantity of Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.)

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    Field experiments were conducted two consecutive years, in order to investigate runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) cultivated in pure crop system and in intercropping system. To achieve the desired aim, we set the following objectives: study of runner bean plant phenology, study of assimilating pigments content in the runner bean leaves, agro productivity study of runner bean crop, yield of runner bean crop, study of chemical composition of runner bean dry seeds. The studied experimental factor was the trellis system with six variants: (V1) - trellis, with double rows, on individual string, (V2) - trellis, with a single row, on individual string, (V3) - trellis, in a single row, on synthetic net (17 cm mesh), (V4) - intercropping with common maize plants, (V5) - intercropping with sunflower plants, (V6) - intercropping with Jerusalem artichoke plants. Runner bean yield ranged from 3,610 kg ha-1 (V2) to 1,684 kg ha-1 (V6) (first year) and from 3,170 kg ha-1 (V2) to 1,189 kg ha-1 (V6) (second year). Runner bean dry seeds contain: crude protein 22.65% (V6) - 25.47% (V3), crude fat 1.91% (V6) - 2.16% (V4), crude fibre 5.41% (V4) - 5.81% (V5) and nitrogen free extractive substances 62.11% (V3) - 64.92% (V4). The best variant of trellis for runner bean crop was the single row trellis system on individual string and the best intercropping system was intercropping with sunflower

    Tomato Production Influenced by Variety, Irrigation and Organic Fertilization

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most cultivated crops in the world, offering many opportunities for research and marketing also. High productions, in conditions of economic sustainability and assured food safety, can only be achieved through the rational use of cultivation technologies, irrigation, fertilization and use of some cultivars with potential genetically performances. To achieve this goal, the present experiment focused on studying the influence of four tomato cultivars (Siriana F1, Minaret F1, HTP F1 and Inima de bou), in two irrigation regimes (5200 respectively 7800 m3) under chicken drops fertilizer compared with a non-fertilized control. The treatments used induced the increase of the fruit number per plant, ranging from 18 to 65%, statistically significant results (p<0.05) being obtained with the organic fertilizer on Minaret cultivar and the higher water quantity, compared to the control version. The highest production was obtained in the HTP F1 cultivars under organic fertilization and 7800 m3/ha irrigation

    Fertilization management improves the yield and capsaicinoid content of chili peppers

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    Chili, one of the most cultivated plants in the world, from the genus Capsicum sp., has great importance both in human nutrition and in the pharmaceutical industry. This study provides detailed information on the impact of chili crop fertilization on the production and accumulation of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. During the vegetation period, 235 kg∙ha−1 NPK (chemical—Ch), 270 kg∙ha−1 NPK (organic—O) and 250 kg∙ha−1 NPK (mixed—Ch + O) fertilizers were applied on six varieties of chili pepper (De Cayenne, Traian 2, Turkish, Sigaretta di Bergamo, Jovial and Chorbadjiiski); all versions were compared with the control (Ct). The determination of capsaicinoid compounds from chili pepper samples was done using high‐performance liquid chromatography, HPLC‐UV/VIS. The chili pepper plants reacted differently according to the fertilizers used, both in terms of the production and accumulation of capsaicinoids. The highest production was obtained for the case of mixed treatments in all cultivars, with the highest production being found for Sigaretta di Bergamo (40.61 t∙ha−1). The capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin content was influenced by both the type of fertilizer used and the variety of chili pepper. The accumulation of capsaicinoids in the chili fruits was found to be dependent on cultivar and fertilization management; higher amounts of capsaicinoids were found to accumulate in the fruits of the Chorbadjiiski variety treated with chemicals (0.83 mg∙g−1 capsaicin and 0.53 mg∙g−1 dihydrocapsaicin) compared with the amounts found for untreated De Cayenne (0.52 mg∙g−1 capsaicin and 0.33 mg∙g−1 dihydrocapsaicin)

    Influenţa cultivarului, a epocii de înfiinţare şi a densităţii la cultura de quinoa pentru frunze asupra unor indicatori de producţie

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is known in the world for its grain and almost not for leaf consumption. In Romania there are no technological elements of cultivation to ensure the sustainability of the leaves crops. Quinoa is not a cosmopolitan species, rarely cultivated, without knowing the nutritional qualities of the leaves.The aim of the experiment was to study some technological measures regarding the cultivation of quinoa species for leaves under the conditions in eastern Romania.The best yield results were obtained by Titicaca cultivar (34.12 t/ha),the density of 7.7 million plants/ha (34.37 t/ha) and the crop established were on 3.04 of each year (47.46 t/ha).Except for Puno cultivar, there is no direct correlation between the foliar surface and the production achieved

    Evaluation of the nutrients uptake by tomato plants in different phenological stages using an electrical conductivity technique

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    Nutrient consumption by plants depends on the growth stage and environmental conditions. In general, plants take up species of elements at different speeds. We monitored and recorded the electrical charge flow through xylem sap of tomato plants (Brillante F1) using femto/picoammeter equipment (Keysight B2981A). This technique evaluates the nutrient uptake of tomato treated with the most common macronutrients (KNO3; KH2PO4; Ca(NO3)2; KCl) by monitoring the electrical conductivity for 24 h. The electrical conductivity of each treatment correlated with the plant growth and development stages. The results showed that the tomato plants had a high consumption of nutrients in the vegetative stage, while in other stages, they had a specific consumption, like phosphorus for bulb formation, potassium for increasing the number of flowers and water for the ripening of fruits. The quantitative evaluation of the ions absorbed by the plant was based on the magnitude and shape of the electrical conductivity curves. Our technique is an efficient method to determine nutrient consumption and is useful in predicting the deficiency of a certain element in tomato plants

    Stadiul cunoaşterii asupra cultivării plantelor legumicole microgreens

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    Microgreens are a form of young plants produced from vegetables, aromatic plants and other species harvested between 7 and 25 days. They range in size, from 3 to 10 cm, are more developed than germs and smaller than the "petit" and "baby" plants. Vegetable plants of the microgreens type can be considered a visual plus but also nutritional for any dish. The main advantage of this type of culture is the vegetation period, which is very short. This paper presents several important aspects of microgreens plant production technology and its success

    Study of some foxtail lilies species ( Eremurus M. Bieb.) grown in the North-East of Romania

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    [EN] Three species of Eremurus M. Bieb. grown at UASVM Iasi, Romania, were studied: E. himalaicus Baker, E. robustus Regel and E. stenophyllus (BOISS. & BUHSE) Bak. Some ornamental (morphologic and phenologic) features were analyzed and also the anatomic structure of the leaf, the content of photosynthetic pigments and the enzymatic activity of the leaves. The biometrical and phenological determinations indicate a good ecological adaptability of the plants, in accordance with similar reports. The anatomical differences between the three species are not very great, but the stomata in E. stenophillus and E. himalaicus are arranged at the same level as the epidermal surface while in E. robustus they are arranged a little lower, and the assimilating parenchyma layer is more developed in E. stenophillus and E. himalaicus than in E. robustus. At E. robustus and E. himalaicus a larger content of assimilatory pigments and a more reduced enzymatic activity were observed.The anatomical studies were performed within the project PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2017-1746.Bahrim, C.; GarcĂ­a-Breijo, F.; Apostol, M.; Asanica, AC.; Teliban, GC.; Munteanu, N.; Rotaru, L.... (2021). Study of some foxtail lilies species ( Eremurus M. Bieb.) grown in the North-East of Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 26(2):2489-2498. https://doi.org/10.25083/rbl/26.2/2489.2498S2489249826

    Dynamic of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, and yield of rhubarb under chemical, organic and biological fertilization

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    In recent years, rhubarb is being increasingly cultivated, as it provides early yields when the vegetables supply to market is deficient and shows high levels of both polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity in edible parts. In 2017, we investigated crops of the rhubarb cultivar Victoria to the fifth year of production. Comparisons were performed between three root phase fertilizations—chemical (NPK 16-16-16®), organic (Orgevit®), and biological (Micoseeds MB®)—plus an unfertilized control. The determinations of polyphenols, the antioxidant capacity, and the yield indicators from the stalks (petioles) of rhubarb were made at each out of the 10 harvests carried out. The highest yield (59.16 t·ha−1) was recorded under the chemical fertilization. The total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity varied widely from 533.86 mg GAE·g−1 d.w. and 136.86 mmol Trolox·g−1 d.w., respectively in the unfertilized control at the last harvest, up to 3966.56 mg GAE·g−1 d.w. and 1953.97 mmol Trolox·g−1 d.w. respectively under the organic fertilization at the four harvest. From the results of our investigation, it can be inferred that the chemical fertilization was the most effective in terms of yield, whereas the sustainable nutritional management based on organic fertilizer supply led to higher antioxidant compounds and activity
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